Unit 2 Part E: Final Review


The Drama Club is done and the performance has been performed. Now I am gonna review it personally and say if I think anything could have gone better.

What Went Well

I improved upon my leadership skills and have successfully organised a public showing of the performances. I feel quite proud of what we achieved over the course of the last few weeks and I feel like all the students learned something. This experience has helped boost my confidence by no small a degree and it has helped me to develop my skills in acting and in teaching. The greatest achievement we made was definitely our final performance that we gave to everyone. It felt good to see the performances that we had worked hard on over the last few weeks come to life and see people experience them.

Even Better If

I think I could have spent a little bit more time working on the club as the students could probably have done with a few extra weeks working on their performances. As the feedback that I received that I included in an earlier post states their was not enough time for too many rehearsals and whilst we did the best we could there were still little slip ups like a kid not looking at the audience. If I had given us a few more weeks, by pushing back the event, then I think we could have ironed out these mistakes and sorted everything out so that the pieces were more fluid and more enjoyable for the audience.

What I Have Learned

I improved my skills as I have said and I spent a while assisting with the performances so I have learned a few teaching techniques. Working with Rochelle has taught me a good deal about dealing with little people. She and I began with quite different styles of teaching when we began the club but when I notice people reacted better to her more light-hearted attitude to the club I began to imitate that and found the it produced positive results and a better performance from the kids. The feedback I got has shown me what I can do better and if I were to do it again I would take said feedback to heart and extend the process of performance making by a good month giving us enough time to create our own visions of the performance and not have to compromise them for the sake of meeting a rapidly approaching deadline.



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